Soldier Qualifies as War's Iron Man'
Atlantic City, March 3— Pvt. Leo Carrara, a Brooklyn patient at the army's Thomas M. England General Hospital here, can well qualify as the war's indestructible "iron man," whom the Nazis could not kill. He miraculously survived dozens of Nazi bazooka shell fragment wounds, body burns and a German sniper's bullet, and lay pinned down for many hours without being able to receive aid for his
injuries, all received the day.
The private, a thin man with pitch-black hair and high cheekbones, who lived with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Carrara, at 1338 43d St, until he joined up three years ago, still cannot talk much because of painful wounds on his back and legs and body burns.
Former Jewelry Worker
A Boys High School graduate of eight years ago, who worked as a jewelry maker for a Manhattan
firm, Carrara had been fighting since June 16 in the Battle of France with the 6th Armored Division. He had not received a scratch up to Oct. 9.
About 10 a.m. that day he was riding on a halftrack near Metz, France, when a German bazooka, about 300 yards away, scored a direct hit, killing 12 men on the vehicle.
Carrara was pinned beneath the steel windshield frame, his legs and body riddled with dozens of fragments. The only other survivor, a sergeant, was blown clear, but unhurt. The sergeant started back to aid Carrara, but just as he reached the halftrack the bazooka blasted it again, killing the would-be rescuer.
More fragments hit Carrara, but still ho lived. For hours no help came. Then a lieutenant and a private happened along, heard Carrara's cries and ran to help him. The officer spotted some Nazis in nearby woods, their rifles gleaming in patches of sunlight. Grabbing a machine gun still on the half-track, he swung it toward the Naxis and opened fire. The first flash set off some gas vapors from broken hose lines and the halftrack went up In flames.
Nazi Sniper Get Him
The officer was burned to death. Carrara's clothes caught fire, but. the other private managed to drag Carrara away and tear off the uniform before it was too late. The two privates were crawling toward a shell crater 200 yards away when a German sniper shot Carrera in the elbow. The pair reached the crater and lay there for several hours.
The some medical aid men arrived. Just as they lifted Carrera into a jeep, another Nazi sniper killed one of the litter bearers. The others took Carrera to an aid station. He has been undergoing treatment and surgery in the England Hospital since January.

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle
(Brooklyn, New York)
4 Mar 1945, Sun • Page 21

Monroe Morning World
(Monroe, Louisiana)
1 Apr 1945, Sun • Page 4