Wilson T. Marcel Jr.

Sgt. Wilson T. Marcel Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Marcel Sr. of Schriever Route Houma, Louisiana, has been killed in action in Germany on April 15th, 1945, according to an official telegram received by his parents from the War Department. Sgt. Marcel enlisted into the Army on February 18th, 1941 and was sent overseas in September 1942. On Febraury 1st, 1945 he was awarded the Purple Heart for wounds received as result of enemy action on January 13th, 1945 In the Belgium Area. He was hospitalized in an Army hospital in Paris for one month and then returned to serve with his outfit, the Sixth Armored Division of General Patton's Third Army. At the time of his death, Sgt. Marcel had served 72 months overseas. His brother Pvt. Thomas J. Marcel is now with a Field Artillery Battalion in Germany. Sgt. Marcel's parents recently received the following letter in connection with his death:
Dear Mrs Marcel:It is with a deep feeling of sorrow that I write to you concerning the death of your son, Sergeant Wilson T Marcel Jr. 34070247, who was killed in action against the enemy in Zeitz, Germany on April 15, 1945.
Yet merely to express sorrow in such a case seems a very hollow thing. Rather, please allow us to share in your bereavement in the loss of a trusted and honored comrade in arms. Those of us who have had the honor to fight beside him also feel a great loss. The death of your son and of other loyal comrades will continue to be the finest possible inspiration for us to continue the fight with increased vigor.
On April 15th, the platoon of which your son was a Squad Leader was given the mission of routing the remaining enemy from a remaining garrison which was located in the town of Zeitz. As the platoon moved forward they were met with intense mortar and small arms fire from the enemy within the garrison. While we were cleaning out the buildings, one by one, your son was hit by a sniper who fired at him from the window of another building. He was killed instantly. Be assured that he knew no suffering.
Sergeant Marcel was buried with Military Honors in the United States Military Cemetery in Eisenbach, Germany. A Catholic Chaplain officiated at the service. Please accept my hearthfelt sympathy in your bereavement.
Sincerely yours,
Albert N. Ward Jr.
Lt Col. Infantry 

Wilson T. Marcel Jr.

Sergeant, U.S. Army

50th Infantry Battalion, 6th Armored Division

Entered the Service From: Louisiana

Service #: 

Date of Death: April 15, 1945

Buried: Saint Francis de Sales Cemetery

Houma, Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana, VS

Awards: Purple Heart