Samuel Aguirre

Samuel Aguirre, the son of Severo Aguirre of Los Angeles, made the supreme sacrifice in France, where he served with a tank destroyer battalion. Aguirre joined the colors early in the war. He trained first at Fort Ord and then at Camp Hood, Texas. The soldier was a private first class. Before entering the Army, he was employed in Hanford, California
"Armacourt where Pfc. Samuel Aguirre, “captured 41 prisoners with a carbine in one hand and a bottle of champagne in the other,” according to a memoir of Wilkins’ old unit, Charlie Company, 603rd Tank Destroyer Battalion. “But unfortunately (Aguirre) didn’t dispose of all the Germans for the next day an artillery shell came into his foxhole and snuffed out his life.”
Source: With Company C, 603rd Tank Battalion, Memoirs James Wilkins