Russell H. Britton
Thanks to Russel Britton, named after her uncle Lt Russell Britton.
Russell served as a 1st Lt., 44th Armored Infantry Battalion, 6th Armored Division, U.S. Army during World War II. He was killed in action in Dahnen Germany near the Our River on 2/9/1945-("Brit" as he was known to his fellow soldiers)
He resided in Strafford County, New Hampshire prior to the war.
He enlisted in the Army on October 26, 1942 in Manchester, New Hampshire. He was noted, at the time of his enlistment, as being Single, without dependents.

Russell H. Britton
Service #
1st Lieutenant, U.S. Army
44th Infantry Battalion, 6th Armored Division
Entered Service From: New Hampshire
Date of Death: February 9, 1945
Buried: Evergreen Cemetery , Houlton
Aroostook County, Maine, USA
Awards: Purple Heart