Pfc. Robert B. McAlpine 

Silver Star citation:
Infantry, Company "C", 50th Armored Infantry Battalion, United States Army. For gallantry in action in the vincinty of Arloncourt, Belgium on 15 January 1945. 
When the lead scout of the platoon was seriously wounded while crossing an exposed ridge, Private First Class McAlpine, with complete disregard for his own safety, crossed the ridge under a withering hail of machine gun fire and evacuated the wounded man. His courageus action was instrumental in saving the life of the soldier. Entered the military service from Texas.



Battle report:

Task Force Ward moved out of Muhlhausen traveling Northwest with its own Reconnaissance platoon spearheading the column, supported by mortar and Assault Gun platoons of Headquarters Company. Practically all types of enemy resistance were encountered, commencing with a bombing and strafing attack by the Luftwaffe as our troops reached the outskirts of the City. All elements of the column were exposed to direct enemy fire throughout that day, during which many Nazi soldiers could be seen in strength to the front and to our flanks. Although small arms fire and bazooka fire were encountered along the route of march, our column pushed through three small towns, among them Kulestedt where powerful enemy anti-tank fire temporarily stopped us, knocking out the lead tank. Despite that and persistent enemy resistance, Task Force Ward smashed its way Northwest into Wachstedt where it went into bivouac and outposted the town. Besides losing several men killed, the Battalion had two half tracks and a light tank knocked out during the day's operations. The enemy on the other hand lost an estimated 500 men taken prisoner during the advance. The column continued West to Martinfeld, South to Erhausen, then Northwest to Wiesenfeld against generally light enemy resistance. "From Wiesenfeld, Colonel Ward personally led a reconnaissance element to Volkerode; making contact there with the 76th Infantry Division of the First United States Army. A small force consisting of one platoon of tanks and one platoon of infantry was also sent North to Dieterode, and there made contact with Task Force Davall. After all contacts had been made, Task Force Ward was released by the 76th Infantry Division and returned to an assembly area at Wachstedt.

Morning report 12 april 1945

Robert B. McAlpine

Private First Class, U.S. Army

Service # 38687403

50th Infantry Battalion, 6th Armored Division

Entered the Service from: Texas

Died: 7-Apr-45

Buried at: Plot P Row 7 Grave 3

Netherlands American Cemetery

Margraten, Netherlands

Awards: Silver Star, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf
