Max Lebida

An all-around athlete at Central Falls High School, his name went on the Providence journal Honor Roll for 1928 as the States outstanding athlete and student.

He wrote a letter to Ruth, his wife.
Somewhere in France
August 3, 1944
"We are seeing action right along now, but there is nothing to be worried about."
"Due to the fact that we are on the move, my letters will be more or less irregular, so keep calm and don't get the impression that i am flirting with the French women!"
"Speeking of the French, many of them are so glad to be rid of the Germans, they just line the roadside, throwing flowers at our forces and feeding the wine, cider, cognac,- whenever we make a halt. In fact, before I knew it, during one of the first days, two of my men got drunk and the first inkling I had of it was when one of them kept insisting on kissing the small babies and children being held up by their respective owners. I soon put a stop to that, but you can imagine the difullculty, for whenever we stop, there are always several people around with bottles!. Why even yesterday the men in one of my vehicles had eleven bottles of diverse drinks given to them, five of which were broken while we were riding. The thing that makes me mad is that most of the damn stuff is viegary which i don't like and nothing sweet which i might even have."
"Don't know where (at this point, I was called away and now it is the next day). Had some more action yesterday, but none of my boys got hurt. In fact, we made out quite fine, though all of us were sweating the situation out."
"Right now we are lined up for another job so I'm making every minute count. Have already censored some mail and am finishing this right now."
"Incidentally, several French girls tried to kiss me yesterday (I refused) though i was even dirtier that when you saw me in Santa Barbara. "
Got to go again, So long.
I love you.
(thanks to The State Historical Society of Missouri)
Two days later he was killed in action.
Max Lebida's name is listed on Memorial de Lormeau.
Max Lebida
Second Lieutenant, U.S. Army
50th Infantry Battalion, 6th Armored Division
Entered the Service From: Rhode Island
Service #: O1314370
Date of Death: August 05, 1944
Buried: Plot H Row 13 Grave 16
Brittany American Cemetery
St. James, France
Awards: Purple Heart, Silver Star