John W. Schwer

Denton Record-Chronicle
(Denton, Texas)
2 October 1944 • Page 3

Albany Democrat-Herald
(Albany, Oregon)
1 Nov 1944, Wed • Page 1
Capt. John W. Schwer, until three years ago rector of the St. Barnabas Episcopal Church here, has been reported missiing Aug. 13, according to word received here by friends form his wife, who is residing with her family in Portland, Ore. He was a chaplain in the army thought to have been with Ge. Patton's Third Army in France.
After serving as rector in Denton for three years, Rev. Shiver resigned to become minister of education of the Church of the Good Sheperd, Corpus Christi. He was acting rector there for a number of mounths while the church was without a rector. While in Corpus Christi he enlisted as a Chaplain and attended the Chaplains Training School at Harvard University. Then served as a chaplain of a commando unit in California before going overseas to France about a year ago.
After serving as rector in Denton for three years, Rev. Shiver resigned to become minister of education of the Church of the Good Sheperd, Corpus Christi. He was acting rector there for a number of mounths while the church was without a rector. While in Corpus Christi he enlisted as a Chaplain and attended the Chaplains Training School at Harvard University. Then served as a chaplain of a commando unit in California before going overseas to France about a year ago.
"On the morning of August 3d, at 0618 Tanks moved from Precey arriving five hours later at the new bivouac, 1 mile East of Medreac, travelling a distance of 43.6 miles from the old area. Shortly after noon, at 1220, the Company took eight persons....quite a haul, we thought, as we threw out our chest in conspicuous pride. At 1600 a U.S. paratrooper visited Trains CP with messengers from the FF Underground, furnishing us with invaluable information and assistance. A half hour later word was received that Chaplain Schwer and his driver, Tech 5 Nelson, was missing in the vicinity of Huelgoat"
"3 August 1944 Chaplain Schwer and Tec. 5 Forrest R. Nelson disappeared. Their fate was learned only after our arrival at Lorient. They had been ambushed; Chaplain Schwer was killed and Tec. 5 Nelson taken prisoner"
"Reverend Schwer became assistant rector at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Corpus Christi in 1942, joined the Chaplain Corp in 1943, and was declared missing-in-action on August 13, 1944 while serving in England and France. His death was confirmed in the same year and a certificate of merit and Chaplain’s Medal was presented to his widow in 1946"

John W. Schwer
Chaplain - Captain, U.S. Army
Service # O-529000
6th Armored Division
Entered the Service from: Colorado
Died: 13-Aug-44
Buried at: Plot J Row 12 Grave 5
Brittany American Cemetery
St. James, France
Awards: Purple Heart