Herbert W. Hinze
![](https://ef9cc56755.clvaw-cdnwnd.com/e1730867ed13e2c8ca22f35080428b4a/200001720-60ef360ef6/KIA gun shot.jpg)
![](https://ef9cc56755.clvaw-cdnwnd.com/e1730867ed13e2c8ca22f35080428b4a/200000281-26b942844d/grave Herbert W. Hinze.jpg)
A letter from Limburg, Holland, describing the adoption of an American grave there has been received by Mr. and Mrs. Q. J. Hinze of 802 E. Love St-The grave is that of their son, Sgt. Herbert W. Hinze, 27, who was killed by an accidental gun shot in Germany on April 5, 1945, while a member of Battery B., 128th Armored Field Artillery Battalion. The letter encloses photographs of the grave taken by J. H. Verwey, a resident of Limburg, where the Mexico boy is buried. The Hollander 'tells that he had to wait : for several weeks to snap the picture, because of cloudy weather.
He says, "But at last I have gone with Nelly and made eight pictures of Herbert's grave. I have put a wreath and roses on the grave, you will see in the pictures. I hope you will think the pictures fine, and that you will be glad with them, and that they will give you some consolation, because you know, that the grave is cared good."
The letter is written in a flawless script comparable to that used on diplomas and other cer tificates. The grammar is studied and painstaking, although unsuitable words are used at times, as for instance, "We are waiting till the weather will be firmer and we can enjoy ..." A pair of wooden shoes, mailed simultaneously with the letter, arrived 50 days later. They were a gift from the Dutch family to Betty Hinze, five-year-old daughter of Sergeant Hinze. The shoes are unfinished, of a blonde wood, smoothly sanded and very light in weight.' They do not fit Betty yet, as they are of a size for 10- year-olds. To the Hinze offer of a turkey as a return gift for the Dutch family, came the comment that it would be a "royal day when we could eat one time as much meat we liked."
An interesting comment on prices in Europe is penned by the kind Hollander: "I read in your letter that the prices are very high. But your prices still are not so high as in our country. Many common people here cannot buy what they can buy on their coupons, ast the prices are too high in compromise (comparison) with the money they earn".
Sergeant Hinze entered service November 24, 1940. He went into France a few days after "D" day, and was an ammunition sergeant at the time of his death. In August, 1944, he was awarded the U. S. Army Certificate of .Merit, for his "untiring efforts, i cheerfulness, and sound judgment." On April 5, 1945, he was awarded the Bronze Star posthumously for meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States, in France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany. The Bronze Star citation said he "demonstrated outstanding leadership, initiative, courage and unwavering loyalty. On numerous days he worked 24 hours a day in order to maintain a-high degree of efficiency in his section." Hinze was honored in May of 1945 by the Mexico Presbyterian church in a special service in which the American. Legion participated. His wife was the former Mabel Seymour. She is now Mrs. Frank Henderson and lives in hte Jeffersonian Apartments. Hinze was employed as a Ledger carrier while in school and before going into service, was employed at the A.P. Green Firebrick Co. He graduated from the Mexico high school in 1936, and was a member of the Presbyteterian church. He had been a member of the local unit of the Missouri National Guard for almost 11 years.