Daniel L. Nutter

Waukesha Daily Freeman
(Waukesha, Wisconsin)
29 November 1944 • Page 3

Waukesha Daily Freeman
(Waukesha, Wisconsin)
14 February 1945 • Page 2
The morning Lt. Nutter, the 1st Platoon leader was called forward to make a reconnaissance of the bridge at Han-sur-Nied. Sgt. Lukart, Tec 4 Gerringer, Cpl Massingill, and Tec 5 Cunningham went with him. Arriving at the bridge the Lt. found it prepared for demolition. Lt. Nutter and Tec 5 Cunningham cut all the wires on the charges. After finishing this they began their way back across the bridge to the friendly side. The Germans fired on them with small arms and
Lt. Nutter was hit and killed. Tec 5 Cunningham carried him across the bridge. Lt. Nutter and Tec 5 Cunningham will be recommended for the Distinguished
Service Cross.
Source: Company B, 25th Armored Engineer Battalion Unit History
Lt. Daniel L. Nutter, Waukesha, Wis., and T/5 Charles Cunningham, Columbus, O., both of the 25th Armd. Engr. Bn., raced across the Han-sur-Nied bridge in the first tank and cut wires leading to demolitions. Lt. Nutter was killed after completing his task.
Source: "Brest to Bastogne: The Story of the 6th Armored Division"
Lt. Col. Donald G. Williams, Kansas City, Mo., Div. Engr., rushed tanks to exploit the bridgehead. By nightfall, elements were across and in one of the hottest artillery spots in the Metz area. For their action, Hines, Nutter, Titterington, Edwards and Cunningham were awarded the DSC.
Source: "Brest to Bastogne: The Story of the 6th Armored Division"

Waukesha Daily Freeman
(Waukesha, Wisconsin)
13 July 1945 • Page 1

Waukesha Daily Freeman
(Waukesha, Wisconsin)
17 July 1945 • Page 1

Waukesha Daily Freeman
(Waukesha, Wisconsin)
17 January 1945 • Page 2
Waukesha Daily Freeman
(Waukesha, Wisconsin)
16 June 1949 • Page 2
Obituaries Lt. Daniel L. Nutter Reburinl services for Lt. Daniel L. Nutter will be held Monday at Rock Island National cemetery, Rock Island, 111., according to word received by his father, James Nutter, Savannah, N. Y. LI. Nutter was a graduate ot Waukesha high school and attended Carroll college. He was married to Loisanne De Witt, who has later remarried, and they had one child, Beverly Sue. Lt. Nutter was killed Nov. 11, 19-14, at Han-sur-Neid, France, while attempting to hold a bridge across the Neid river. He was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for this action. A building at Ft. Knox, Ky., was recently named in his honor by the Ft. Knox memorialization board, the family was notified.

Waukesha Daily Freeman
(Waukesha, Wisconsin)
3 September 1952 • Page 6

source: https://www.visitpulaskicounty.org/pdf/pulaskidrivingtours.pdf