Albert M. Jagger

Photo source: North Platte High School - Roundup Yearbook (North Platte, NE) - Class of 1934
January 2 the battalion's only officer death occured when Lt. Albert M. Jagger was killed by enemy artillery while he was advancing on a tank with the supported infantry.
From Jeflinski memoires:
He recalled a forward observer, Lieutenant Albert Jagger, who had a premonition. The lieutenant had completed two days as forward observer. His sergeant was killed in action. The officer was sure another day as FO would be his last. Jeglinski answered a field phone call from headquarters. Another FO was needed. Jaggers was the only one available. Jeglinski told the officer "there was nothing i can do" but suggested that Jaggers ride to battle crouched behind the turrent of a tank for protection. "We shook hands, hugged and went out. "Jeglinski said. "He and i wept and he was gone...gone forever. His premonition was correct. At first contact, lieutenant Albert M. Jagger was killed by tank fire. "
Source: Battle of the Bulge, Turner Publishing Co

Albert M. Jagger
2nd Lieutenant, U.S. Army
Service # O1180967
212th Field Artillery Battalion, 6th Armored Division
Entered the Service from:
Died: Jan 2, 1945
Buried at: North Platte Cemetery
North Platte, Nebraska, U.S.
Awards: Purple Heart